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Military Deployment

NC State University stands ready to support our students who are also members of the armed forces. Students whose military obligations make it difficult or impossible for them to be successful in their academic program are urged to request a Military Leave of Absence (MLOA).

Military Leave of Absence and Withdrawals

North Carolina State University recognizes that some of its students may be placed on active duty and that many questions may arise as a result. Through the Department of Registration and Records, NC State offers several options for students who are being deployed and are therefore unable to complete their coursework. Whenever possible, we request that you explore these options before leaving campus.

For purposes of granting an MLOA, the military obligation is defined as (a) deployment, (b) mobilization leading to deployment, or (c) attendance at a military school or college.

Military Leave of Absence

North Carolina State University supports students who are members of the United States armed forces and reserve units. A student who is a member of the U.S. military, National Guard, or other armed forces reserve unit who is called or ordered to active duty elsewhere may be granted a Military Leave of Absence (MLOA) from the University for the period of active duty.

Students with the MLOA need NOT apply for readmission or pay readmission fees. MLOA allows those students to preregister for classes during their priority registration period prior to the term when they plan to return to campus.

Note: Graduate students should contact the director of their graduate program and/or the Graduate School for information on receiving a leave of absence from their graduate program.

Steps to apply for Military Leave of Absence

  1. Apply by downloading the MLOA form found here.
  2. Complete sections 1 & 3 of the MLOA form (if subsequently requesting a term withdrawal, see “Term Withdrawal” below).
  3. Attach a copy of the Military Orders indicating the date on which the student must report for active duty elsewhere.
  4. Submit the form and attached orders to:

Department of Registration and Records
Veterans Education Benefits
1000 Harris Hall
Box 7313, Raleigh, NC 27695
or Fax: 919.515.2376

Note: Students receiving financial aid, living in a residence hall, or participating in a University Dining meal plan are responsible for contacting the appropriate office and notifying them of their departure.

Incomplete (IN) Grades

If a student is not able to complete a course, he or she may be able to receive a grade of Incomplete (IN) and complete the course upon return to the University. Additional information on incomplete grades is available here.

Term Withdrawal

If a student determines that completing courses at a future date is not an option, the Department of Registration and Records will facilitate a term withdrawal.

To request a term withdrawal, complete Section 2 of the MLOA form (supporting documents are still required).

For more information, please contact the Veterans Education office at 919.515.3048 Monday-Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. or email